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How to Get Your Website On Google Top Search, First Page

How to get your website on Google top search first page? Although you've created a stunning website, it isn't yet visible on Google. You can feel overlooked at a party as a result and wonder how to gain the attention of the major search engines.

Every day, Google manages billions of web pages. How does it accomplish that... and how might you attract a bit more focus? Let's examine how Google indexes, evaluates and ranks websites, as well as what you can do to speed up the procedure.

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1. Indexing your website

Search engines have a comprehensive index of all the pages on all the websites that they are aware of, just like phonebooks did in the past. If your website isn't listed in that database, it won't appear in SERPs, which stands for "search engine results pages."

How is indexing carried out?

Crawlers are virtual bots that visit websites automatically and are used by search engines to locate new websites. Every day, all day. Crawlers scan every page of every website, reading the text, the descriptions of the images, and all the connections. They only want to know what is there right now so they may examine it afterward.

How to index your website in Google

The search engine has to be aware that your site even exists before it can show up in the search results. We want your website to be included in the search engine's index of well-known websites, to put it technically. The first thing to focus on is this: everything you do to improve your site will only matter if a search engine can even find it.

Search engine crawlers will ultimately locate your site if it is fresh; this will probably happen in a few days or weeks. However, if you want to speed up the process, creating a free Google Search Console account and using its URL Inspection Tool are the best ways to have it indexed quickly. Alternatively, you may utilize the SEO tools to automatically submit your Jimdo Dolphin website for indexing if you have one. Even if it just takes a few seconds, you can be certain that a crawler will visit your website right away. Much better than waiting about for things to just happen on their own.

Has your website been indexed yet?

Open Google and put the following into the search box to find out as soon as possible if your website has been indexed:

site: The URL of your website (, for instance)

You can quickly find out if Google is aware of your website's existence. If it doesn't, relax; it will in due time.

Once you press "Enter," a list of all the pages on your website that Google has indexed will appear on the results page. Your search - - did not match any documents, if you haven't been indexed, it will indicate.

2. Analyzing the webpage

Once the crawler is aware of your site's existence and what's on it, it may begin examining what it discovers. After analysis, a ranking is produced, which is a list of websites that most closely match a given search term.

What questions does your site answer?

When evaluating a website, Google considers a variety of factors. The search engine is interested in learning what your website is about and, more crucially, when it should display it to users. The search engine tries to determine which search terms are suitable matches for your website.

Over the years, Google's algorithms have become increasingly adept at recognizing the subtleties of this process. If your website is about coffee, for instance, should it appear when people search for the greatest coffee shop in your city or should it appear when they search for a reliable coffee supplier for their own cafe? That question may be answered by search engine algorithms by looking at your content and "reading" your words.

3. Ranking of your website

After doing its study, the search engine aims to determine if your website is more or less relevant for those search terms than other rival websites. It employs over 150 distinct ranking variables to do that (and some say there are even more). The significance of certain of those varies.

Unfortunately, there isn't a comprehensive summary of the many ranking elements that is simple to follow. Because they don't want us to start tampering with the search results, Google and other search engines keep their specific search criteria a secret from us. Fortunately, they do provide broad recommendations. SEO experts frequently run experiments to evaluate how search engines treat the information on a website.

With the help of this data, you may optimize your website and improve its position in search results. You may begin with these easy steps even if there is a whole profession devoted to all the subtleties of search engine optimization:

  • To gain ideas for the search terms you wish to target, do a little keyword research. (Here are some tips for non-experts on quick and simple keyword research ideas.)
  • If there are any vacant fields, such as your homepage title and website title, open the SEO settings on your website and fill them out. Use some of the keywords you're aiming for while describing the content of your website in these boxes.
  • Fill up the Alternative Content boxes on your photos and add headings to your website to give your text structure. Search engines utilize these headings to determine what your site is about and how it's arranged.
  • Your website's content should be improved. SEO settings can only take you so far. Having excellent, pertinent material on your website is the most crucial aspect of search engine ranking

Simple changes to your SEO settings can boost your search engine ranking.

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4. Repeating the crawl and looking for updates

Your website has thus been indexed. And you've tweaked a few things to improve a few search terms. What occurs next?

Google takes some time to notice your modifications.

As we wait, The crawler must first discover your modifications before they take impact search results. The crawler will examine your website when it returns to check whether anything has changed since it was last visited. In essence, it asks whether there is a good reason for me to modify how searchers are shown on this site.

Each website has a unique crawl schedule that varies from site to site. Keeping the search results current and relevant appears to be Google's reasoning in that case. Crawlers will frequently visit your site if you run a highly well-known national news website with fresh unique material every hour. Your next crawl will take longer if your website only has one modification each year. For this reason, it's a good idea to stay updated on everything and check in frequently.

Your website's position for a particular search phrase may change once it has been re-crawled and assessed. It could even fall in rankings for different search terms.

You can keep tabs on these modifications to your rankings using one of the various SEO tools available. Google Search Console is the greatest option if you're on a tight budget if you want to learn more about your Google rankings:

  • Enter your Search Console login information.
  • Select Search Analysis under Search Traffic.
  • Positions may be chosen on the top bar.

You can now view where your website ranks for popular search terms. If you've had a website for a time, you could get visits from a variety of search terms.

You shouldn't often anticipate moving up to the top spot right soon. But resist giving up. It takes a lot of little steps to get there, and it takes time. Over time, your ranking ought to rise as you increase site visitors and add content.
